Author | Alexander, A Egonsky | |
Author | Igor, V Kovalenko | |
Accessioned Date | 2021-08-13T09:35:13Z | |
Available Date | 2021-08-13T09:35:13Z | |
Issued Date | 2020-05 | |
Bibliographic Citation | Alexander, A Egonsky. Analysis of self-starting of own needs of heat power plants [Текст] / A Egonsky Alexander, V Kovalenko Igor // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: Chemical, Ecological and Power Engineerin. — 2020. — Т. 862 (№ 6). — С. 62001 | |
URI (for links/citations) | | |
URI (for links/citations) | | |
Abstract | This article presents the results of the analysis of self-start of asynchronous engines of the existing power plant, it`s based on the research conducted at the Department of Power Plants and Electric Power Systems of Siberian Federal University. | |
Title | Analysis of self-starting of own needs of heat power plants | |
Type | Journal Article | |
Type | Journal Article Preprint | |
Pages | 62001 | |
Update Date | 2021-08-13T09:35:13Z | |
DOI | 10.1088/1757-899X/862/6/062001 | |
Institute | Политехнический институт | |
Department | Кафедра электрических станций и электроэнергетических систем | |
Journal Name | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
Journal Quartile in Scopus | без квартиля | |
Journal Quartile in Web of Science | без квартиля | |