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Sergey, Antonovich Vokhmin
Georgij, Sergeevich Kurchin
Aleksandr, Konstantinovich Kirsanov
Andrey, Olegovich Shigin
Anna, Aleksandrovna Shigina
Sergey, Antonovich Vokhmin. DESTRUCTION OF ROCK UPON BLASTINGOF EXPLOSIVE AGENT [Текст] / Antonovich Vokhmin Sergey, Sergeevich Kurchin Georgij, Konstantinovich Kirsanov Aleksandr, Olegovich Shigin Andrey, Aleksandrovna Shigina Anna // ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. — 2017. — Т. 12 (№ 13). — С. 3978-3986
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
In order to provide the most efficient indices of development of underground excavations the main attention is paid to blasting operations, namely, to determination of optimum parameters of drilling and blasting operations. Development of new and reconstruction of existing mines require for extended scope of excavating works, their length can reach some tens of kilometers. Up till now excavations at most of mines are developed using drilling and blasting operations. Improvement of drilling and blasting operations is one of trends to increase efficiency of excavation development. Reliability extent of calculated parameters of drilling and blasting operations can influence on technical and economical performances of excavation development. At present numerous existing procedures are empiric dependencies, they are based on primary determination of specific consumption of explosive. The main drawback of such procedures is the application of coefficients of specific consumption, which vary in wide range, their values depend on the qualification of experts who perform such calculations. As a consequence, the parameters of drilling and blasting operations are set on the basis of averaged values, which impair efficiency of blasting operations. We believe that calculations of parameters of drilling and blasting operations should account for the most complete range of factors playing important role in impact of blasting energy on destructing massif. In addition, the proposed engineering approach should enable improvement of efficiency of blasting operations with desirable decrease in material and non-material expenditures. This work describes briefly tock destruction by blasting of explosives, highlights main factors influencing on efficiency of drilling and blasting operations upon development of excavations. The work analyzes calculation procedures of main performances of drilling and blasting operations, recommendations are given for development of pattern of drilling and blasting operations on the basis of calculation of destruction zones of rock massif.
rock defragmentation
blast hole pressure
shear zone
cracking zone
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт горного дела, геологии и геотехнологий
Кафедра шахтного и подземного строительства
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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