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Фатеев, Ю. Л.
Ратушняк, В. Н.
Карцан, И. Н.
Тяпкин, В. Н.
Дмитриев, Д. Д.
Фатеев, Ю. Л. Analyzing measurement errors for navigation parameters in onground short-range navigation systems based on pseudolites [Текст] / Ю. Л. Фатеев, В. Н. Ратушняк, И. Н. Карцан, В. Н. Тяпкин, Д. Д. Дмитриев // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016.
This article discusses coordinate measurement errors in short-range pseudolite navigation systems. An analysis of the components of the measurement error of radio navigating parameters has been performed; the geometric factor values have been calculated for various variants of constructing the system. The peculiarities of measuring the spatial orientation of objects using interferometric methods in on-ground short-range navigation systems have been ascertained.
short-range radio navigation system
pseudo-satellite (pseudolite)
geometric factor
coordinate measurement errors
spatial orientation
Analyzing measurement errors for navigation parameters in onground short-range navigation systems based on pseudolites
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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