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Саенко, Ирина Александровна
Чепелева, Кристина Викторовна
Сарченко, Владимир Иванович
Саенко, Ирина Александровна. Developing Methodology and Algorithm for Estimating Comfortability and Classifying Residential Property [Текст] / Ирина Александровна Саенко, Кристина Викторовна Чепелева, Владимир Иванович Сарченко // Espacios. — 2017. — Т. 38 (№ 33).
The article researches methodological and methodic problems of estimating and assigning a class to residential property according to the level of its comfortability. Special attention is paid to considering the notion “residential property” as an object of the material world that has a multi-level hierarchical structure. The structure of spatial environment and real property within it were described and shown. The level of the consumer’s impact on the comfortability of the spatial living environment was defined. The system of criteria that characterize consumer features and requirements to residential property was formed. On the basis of these features it is possible to get an integral estimate of the comfortability of every specified level. Basic provisions of the methodology on estimating the comfortability and classifying residential property were developed. Basic stages of implementing methodology, as well as the algorithm of estimating the property comfortability were offered.
Residential property
spatial living environment
consumer characteristics
methodology to estimate comfortability
classification of objects
differentiation of objects
levels of comfortability
criteria of comfortability
Developing Methodology and Algorithm for Estimating Comfortability and Classifying Residential Property
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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Кафедра проектирования зданий и экспертизы недвижимости

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