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Patrusheva, T. N.
Snezhko, N. Yu.
Fedyaev, V. A.
Patrusheva, T. N. Production of oxide coatings to improve the surface properties [Текст] / T. N. Patrusheva, N. Yu. Snezhko, V. A. Fedyaev // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. — 2015. — № 2.
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In our work to produce TiO2 films we used the metalorganic extracts with subsequent thermal decomposition on the substrate. Compared with the titanium alkoxide used in the sol-gel method, organic extracts have better wetting properties and stability of properties over time due to the non-volatility of the organic phase. Complete wetting of the substrate is necessary to achieve coating uniformity and strengthening the binding of the interface substrate-coating, particularly for low energy surfaces (glass, plastic). Wetting agents provide the reduced surface tension, spreading, wetting, improving adhesion, improving the appearance (gloss and color uniformity).
titanium oxode
Production of oxide coatings to improve the surface properties
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Кафедра приборостроения и наноэлектроники
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research

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