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Bondarev, V. S.
Mikhaleva, E. A.
Gorev, M. V.
Flerov, I. N.
Bondarev, V. S. Intensive electrocaloric effect in triglycine sulfate under nonequilibrium thermal conditions and periodic electric field [Текст] / V. S. Bondarev, E. A. Mikhaleva, M. V. Gorev, I. N. Flerov // Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. — 2016.
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We present the results of both direct measurements and modeling of the intensive electrocaloric effect DTAD in ferroelectric triglycine sulfate under nonequilibrium thermal conditions and periodically varying electric field. In the narrow region around the phase transition temperature TC, a visible difference was observed between the electrocaloric responses at applying DTON and removal DTOFF of the constant electric field: |DTON| < |DTOFF| and |DTON| > |DTOFF| at T<TC and T>TC, respectively. The variation of the frequency and profile of the periodic electric field at T<TC allowed one to obtain the gradual decrease in the average temperature of the top of the sample compared to the bottom kept at the constant temperature. At low frequency electric field, qualitative agreement was found between the time dependences of the measured experimentally and calculated DT values.
electrocaloric effect
nonequilibrium processes
phase transitions
Intensive electrocaloric effect in triglycine sulfate under nonequilibrium thermal conditions and periodic electric field
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Кафедра теплофизики
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research

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