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Pankrats, A.
Sablina, K.
Eremin, M.
Balaev, A.
Kolkov, M
Tugarinov, V.
Bovina, A.
Pankrats, A. Ferromagnetism and strong magnetic anisotropy of the PbMnBO4 orthoborate single crystals [Текст] / A. Pankrats, K. Sablina, M. Eremin, A. Balaev, M Kolkov, V. Tugarinov, A. Bovina // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. — 2016. — Т. 414. — С. 82-89
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
The PbMnBO4 orthoborate single crystals were first grownand their magnetic properties and ferro- magnetic resonance were studied. It was found that the ferromagneticstate below the Curie temperature TC=31K is characterized by the strongmagnetic anisotropy. The significant effective anisotropy fields of PbMnBO4 determine the energy gap in the FMR spectrum, which is extraordinary large for ferromagnets (112GHz at T=4.2 K). It was shown tha tthe static Jahn–Teller effect characteristic of the Mn3+ ion leads to both the ferromagnetic ordering and the strong magnetic anisotropy in the crystal. In the strong external magnetic field the induced ferromagnetic ordering is retained in the crystal above the Curie temperature up to the temperatures multiply higher than TC. A weak anomaly of the dielectric permit- tivity was observed in PbMnBO4 at the Curie temperature at which the long-range ferromagnetic orde ris established.
Strong ferromagnetic anisotropy
Ferromagnetic resonance
Exchange interactions
Ferromagnetism and strong magnetic anisotropy of the PbMnBO4 orthoborate single crystals
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Базовая кафедра физики твердого тела и нанотехнологий
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

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