Computer Simulation and Optimization of Soil Thawing Using Microwave Energy
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):Автор:
Nekrasov, Sergej A.
Volkov, Vladimir S.
Некрасов, Сергей А.
Волков, Владимир С.
The article describes a mathematical model and numerical method for calculating and optimizing the
speed of soil thawing using microwave energy. The main numerical method is the enthalpy method
without smoothing concentrated heat. Examples of calculations and analysis of the results are presented.
A series of calculations are carried out for the cases of sandstone and sandy loam thawing with the
use of standard magnetrons. Nonlinear behavior of thermal parameters, phase transitions and boundary
conditions significantly influence temperature distribution and electric field. The losses due to convective
cooling and evaporation are negligibly small. The results can be used in research and in designing mining
equipment for permafrost В статье рассмотрены математическая модель и численный метод для расчета и оптимизации
процесса скоростного оттаивания грунтов при помощи энергии СВЧ. Приводятся соответству-
ющие примеры расчетов и анализ результатов