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Nagornaya, Lyubov A.en
Nagornyi, Nikolay N.en
Нагорная, Л.А.ru_RU
Нагорный, Н.Н.ru_RU
The article analyzes the reasons for the victimization of people with mutilated corporeality. It is noted that the conditions of socialization of people in modern Russian society contribute to the formation of victim behavior. The paper defines basic directions of work for the prevention of victimization of people with mutilated corporeality in modern Russian society. The basic position of the work is to create a positive self-image of a person with crippled corporeality as one of the areas of work for the prevention of victim behavior of people with mutilated corporeality. Targeted, comprehensive, consistent influence of the main institutions of socialization for people with mutilated corporeality is more important than for people with full corporeality. The human physicality often becomes crippled by the impact of unfavorable conditions of socialization. Subsequently, a person with already crippled corporeality may continue to be adversely affected by socializing through the basic institutions of public life. Thus, in the future crippled physicality of life there is often a person with something that has not been healed, and has even become more damaged than it had been originally (since its initial injury). Modern Russian society creates a large number of stressful situations for people with mutilated corporeality (in particular, many people with disabilities often experience unpleasant moments connected with the problem of employment and occupation, when they were evaluated as nonprospective employees on the basis of disability, a disabled woman who chooses to have a baby before pregnancy and birth can hear the statements of doctors that people with disabilities should not have children; doctors often refuse to treat people with thermal illness, elderly, persons with drug disability, people with severe physical and / or intellectual disabilities, etc.). Thus, in our society most people with crippled corporeality are in the environment, which makes them vulnerable and weaker than it could be, it they were in better conditions of life for themselves. The set of internal and external negative factors of socialization helps to ensure that people with mutilated corporeality are potentially more prone to committing a crime and becoming a victim of crime than people with full body. In the mind of a person with crippled corporeality it is necessary to form a self-image of a successful, happy person, able to live a full life; to instill the idea that his (her) capabilities are not so limited compared to other people, whose capabilities are also limited to a certain extent.Purposeful work on the formation of a harmonious positive self-image of a person with crippled corporeality is an important component of the work on the prevention of victimization of people with mutilated corporeality in modern Russian society. This area is closely interrelated with the other two areas of work for the prevention of victim behavior in which we are interested: by improving external conditions of socialization of people and by formation of an adequate image of a person with crippled corporeality in the social consciousness of modern Russian societyen
В статье анализируются причины виктимизации людей с искалеченной телесностью. Отмечается, что условия социализации таких людей в современном российском обществе способствуют формированию у них виктимного поведения. Обозначены основные направления работы по профилактике виктимизации людей с искалеченной телесностью в современном российском обществе. Показаны основные положения работы по формированию положительного Я-образа человека с искалеченной телесностью как одно из направлений работы по профилактике виктимного поведения людей с искалеченной телесностьюru_RU
Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University.en
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences;2015 8 (9)en
victim behavioren
person with defective exalted bodyen
victim preventive measuresen
виктимное поведениеru_RU
виктимизация, криминализацияru_RU
человек с искалеченной телесностьюru_RU
виктимологическая профилактикаru_RU
The Correction of Self-Image as One of Directions of Work for Preventing Victimization of People with Crippled Body in Modern Russian Societyen
Коррекция Я-образа как одно из направлений работы по предупреждению виктимизации людей с искалеченной телесностью в современном российском обществеru_RU
Journal Article
Published Journal Article
Nagornaya, Lyubov A.:Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; E-mail: poty-lyubov@yandex.ruen
Nagornyi, Nikolay N.:Siberian Law Institute of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia 20 Rokossovskii, Krasnoyarsk, 660131, Russiaen
Нагорная, Л.А.:Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79ru_RU
Нагорный, Н.Н.:Сибирский юридический институт ФСКН России Россия, 660131, Красноярск, ул. Рокоссовского, 20ru_RU

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