On Elastoplastic Torsion of a Rod with Multiply Connected Cross-Section
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Senashov, Sergey I.
Kondrin, Alexander V.
Cherepanova, Olga N.
Сенашов, Сергей И.
Кондрин, Александр В.
Черепанова, Ольга Н.
The classical problem of torsion of a straight rod with convex contour of the cross-section is considered
in the paper. The cross-section is multiply connected domain. It is assumed that the region of plastic
deformation occupies the whole outer boundary. To solve the problem the conservation laws are used.
In the case when the boundary is piecewise smooth the solution is found in explicit form. Computer
programs that allow one to find the elastic-plastic boundary in a rod under torsion with any precision are
developed. Examples of calculation of elastic-plastic boundaries from presented analytical formulas are
given. The obtained results are in good agreement in comparison with known solutions and experimental
data Решена классическая задача о кручении прямого стержня, поперечное сечение которого ограниче-
но выпуклым контуром. Поперечное сечение является многосвязной областью. Предполагается,
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ются законы сохранения. В случае, когда граница кусочно-гладкая, решение найдено квадратурой.
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