Combined Optimal Control System for excavator electric drive
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URI (для ссылок/цитирований):
Курочкин, Н. С.
Кочетков, В. П.
Платонова, Е. В.
Глушкин, Е. Я.
Дулесов, А. С.
Коллективный автор:
Хакасский технический институт — филиал СФУ
Кафедра электроэнергетики
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringКвартиль журнала в Scopus:
без квартиляБиблиографическое описание:
Курочкин, Н. С. Combined Optimal Control System for excavator electric drive [Текст] / Н. С. Курочкин, В. П. Кочетков, Е. В. Платонова, Е. Я. Глушкин, А. С. Дулесов // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018.Аннотация:
Abstract. The article presents a synthesis of the combined optimal control algorithms of the AC drive rotation mechanism of the excavator. Synthesis of algorithms consists in the
regulation of external coordinates - based on the theory of optimal systems and correction of the internal coordinates electric drive using the method "technical optimum". The research
shows the advantage of optimal combined control systems for the electric rotary drive over classical systems of subordinate regulation. The paper presents a method for selecting the
optimality criterion of coefficients to find the intersection of the range of permissible values of the coordinates of the control object. There is possibility of system settings by choosing the
optimality criterion coefficients, which allows one to select the required characteristics of the drive: the dynamic moment (M) and the time of the transient process (tpp). Due to the use of
combined optimal control systems, it was possible to significantly reduce the maximum value of the dynamic moment (M) and at the same time - reduce the transient time (tpp).