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Kuimov, V.
Iushkova, L.
Shcherbenko, E.
Yamskikh, T.
Kuimov, V. The role of cooperative-network interactions in maintaining competition in the local food market [Текст] / V. Kuimov, L. Iushkova, E. Shcherbenko, T. Yamskikh // International Forum on Innovative Technologies and Management for Sustainability: Session 2 Changes in social and business environment, CISABE’2018. — 2018.
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
This paper examines the role of cooperative-network interactions between the market participants in instruments and mechanisms for maintaining competition in the local food market. Cooperative-network interactions are considered as a wide range of conditions for self-regulation of competition that allow all market participants to improve business performance and integrate joint efforts into increasing the level of domestic food market competitiveness. The special attention is given to understanding the processes of maintaining competition in the Russian domestic food markets.
regional food market
cooperative-network interactions
competitiveness of the food market
The role of cooperative-network interactions in maintaining competition in the local food market
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт космических и информационных технологий
Кафедра разговорного иностранного языка
International Forum on Innovative Technologies and Management for Sustainability
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