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Павловский, Н. С.
Дубровский, А. А.
Никитин, С. Е.
Семёнов, С. В.
Терентьев, К. Ю.
Шайхутдинов, К. А.
Павловский, Н. С. Magnetostriction of Hexagonal HoMnO3 and YMnO3 Single Crystals [Текст] / Н. С. Павловский, А. А. Дубровский, С. Е. Никитин, С. В. Семёнов, К. Ю. Терентьев, К. А. Шайхутдинов // Physics of the Solid State. — 2018. — Т. 60 (№ 3). — С. 520-526
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
We report on the magnetostriction of hexagonal HoMnO3 and YMnO3 single crystals in a wide range of applied magnetic fields (up to H = 14 T) at all possible combinations of the mutual orientations of magnetic field H and magnetostriction ΔL/L. The measured ΔL/L(H, T) data agree well with the magnetic phase diagram of the HoMnO3 single crystal reported previously by other authors. It is shown that the non- monotonic behavior of magnetostriction of the HoMnO3 crystal is caused by the Ho3+ ion; the magnetic moment of the Mn3+ ion parallel to the hexagonal crystal axis. The anomalies established from the magne- tostriction measurements of HoMnO3 are consistent with the phase diagram of these compounds. For the isostructural YMnO3 single crystal with a nonmagnetic rare-earth ion, the ΔL/L(H, T) dependences are described well by a conventional quadratic law in a wide temperature range (4–100 K). In addition, the mag- netostriction effect is qualitatively estimated with regard to the effect of the crystal electric field on the hol- mium ion.
Magnetostriction of Hexagonal HoMnO3 and YMnO3 Single Crystals
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт инженерной физики и радиоэлектроники
Кафедра общей физики
Physics of the Solid State

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