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Соболев, С. В.
Рожин, С. В.
Соболева, Н. В.
Рябинина, С. К.
Ратуева, О. Н.
Соболев, С. В. The technique of indoors vertical rails “climbing” in sports tourism at individual distance [Текст] / С. В. Соболев, С. В. Рожин, Н. В. Соболева, С. К. Рябинина, О. Н. Ратуева // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. — 2017. — Т. 17 (№ 3). — С. 1078-1083
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Problem Statement: striving for high results in almost all kinds of sports requires the athletes to show the maximum of mental, tactical, technical and physical preparedness. The issue of the optimal correlation of the levels of physi-cal qualities development is also of great importance. Approach: making historical review of scientific literature it was found out that velocity (speed), strength, endurance, agility and flexibility were purely speculatively referred the physical qualities. This approach was based on the observation of external, clearly manifested characteristics of a person’s motor activity, easily measurable in physical measures of mechanical motion. At that, the physiological mechanism was not taken into account, since it was still little known. This approach was content with a descriptive function, developed on a purely logical basis and objectively relied on the results of various motor tasks fulfillment. Purpose is the determination of the optimal climbing technique, taking into account the structure of the competitive activity of tourists-athletes of the age group of 10-12 years. Results: based on the indicators it is expected that a technique of vertical rails “climbing” is an important indicator of distance overcoming. From the structure of the competitive activity it was noticed that those who use the extra equipment show better results. Conclusions: peda-gogical experiment allowed proving that the technique of covering vertical rails climbing with the use “Pantin” is more effective than without its use. In the first and second groups the results at the segment of rope climbing signifi-cantly improved by 22.3% and 14.6% respectively, at a significance value of 0.05.
sports tourism
walking distance
indoor premises
vertical rails
The technique of indoors vertical rails “climbing” in sports tourism at individual distance
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
Институт филологии и языковой коммуникации
Институт физической культуры, спорта и туризма
Кафедра иностранных языков для гуманитарных направлений
Кафедра теории и методики спортивных дисциплин
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

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