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Соболев, С. В.
Соболева, Н. В.
Злотников, М. С.
Ратуева, О. Н.
Сидоров, Л. К.
Соболев, С. В. Methods of teaching the technique of passing individual distance for the first class of complexity in sports tourism [Текст] / С. В. Соболев, Н. В. Соболева, М. С. Злотников, О. Н. Ратуева, Л. К. Сидоров // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. — 2018. — Т. 18 (№ 2). — С. 1060-1064
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.
Problem Statement: modern training of tourists-athletes participating in walking distances in closed spaces makes high demands, especially for technical training, which must be built taking into account the individual characteristics and the initial readiness of an athlete. With the development of sports tourism, due to the specificity of the content of this activity, there was a need for methodological support of the educational process. Approach: making historical review of scientific literature it was found out that velocity (speed), strength, endurance, agility and flexibility were purely speculatively referred the physical qualities. This approach was based on the observation of external, clearly manifested characteristics of a person’s motor activity, easily measurable in physical measures of mechanical motion. Purpose: to develop a methodology for technical training for the girls of 8-10 years, taking into account the structure of competitive activity at the individual distance indoors, in order to improve the individual characteristics and the initial readiness of an athlete. Results: the conducted experiment showed significant changes in the experimental group: the results were improved by 22.2% in comparison with the control group where results were improved by 10.2%. Comparing these indicators, we can see that the method proposed by us is the most effective, because the percentage ratio in the experimental group is twice more than in the control one. Conclusions: the obtained results confirm our hypothesis that the technical readiness of tourists-athletes specializing in the discipline "distance - walking" will significantly increase if to develop a methodology for technical training for the girls of 8-10 years, taking into account the structure of competitive activity at the individual distance indoors.
sports tourism
physical training
individual distance
competitive activity
Methods of teaching the technique of passing individual distance for the first class of complexity in sports tourism
Journal Article
Journal Article Preprint
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Journal of Physical Education and Sport

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